Empowerment Toward Self Actualization

Happy New Year, new start, new perspective, new way of living!

Routine, positive attitude and knowing your choices do lead to your destiny.  Yes, there are influencers, and there are disappointments along the path, but, there have to be some positives in a day.  Sometimes they are hard to see or feel.  For me, the positive may be a nice, meaningful talk with a friend.  A day without back pain.  A nice hot cup of tea.  IF that is all we had consisently in life, that would feel empty, so that’s why we have to change (or even slightly modify) our outlook, change our action and change our intention.  Mindfullness.  I’ve read books on this.  The most mindful thing one can do is to be kind to themselves.  Don’t beat yourself up cause life is hard.  Things have to change, because each day the world is a little different than the prior day.  Modify how you interact with the changing world and see what happens.  Also, have some form of a routine in the morning, as it is a nice springboard to enter the challenging world.  So, here goes.

1. Greet the day.

It is a bright sunny day!  I greet Milan by opening my windows, letting the crisp cool air.

2. Make the bed.

I roll over and immediately make my bed.  Check.

Put a pot of coffee on the stove and got to the floor to my back exercises before sititng at my computer!

3. Morning stretch/strengthen exercise

Turns out I have this low back pain thanks to the beauty of my body naturally having scoliosis undetected as a kid.  The back pain gets quite bad and makes me not want to do anything…even walk.  Can’t live like that!  I can mitigate the low back pain by doing those swimming exercises on your stomach, and knees.  But I have to DO them. I pumped at 60!  Yooooweee.  Check.

4. Harness control over social networks and spam email.

Checked my personal email and realize the notifications from other social networks and mailing lists, needs to STOP.    Social “networking” has devolved into social “stalking” and being inundated with useless information, people’s soap boxes about how things should be done, rather than them really doing much about it.

LinkedIn, control what content I receive and who can see my content, not you.  Check.

5. Do productive, positive work

I will write a meaningful blog post for my law firm today 🙂

6. Laugh.

I will post some more observations about Milan…and Italy.

7. Exercise.

I will go on a big walk, and smile.

It is true, what we hear, today is the first day of the rest of our lives.  Make it count, in whatever way you can.  Small things should matter, and smiles go a long way.  Keep out the negativity.  Exercise.  But, also, a morning routine is so important!   Best wishes to a good start to this new year!

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